
Showing posts from March, 2022

Blog Post 7- Addiction

      When it comes to addiction, many children do not realize what a serious issue it actually is. They may not view themselves as having an addiction and this is the reason why many kids fall into this trap. The recent development of the JUUL device, has taken over middle and high schools across the nation, and many kids got their hands on a device. A JUUL is an e-cigarette device that was intentionally developed to help adults quit smoking cigarettes. The film, "Vaping in Schools" shows how popular this trend has become and how easy it is for students to conceal various vape devices. One thing that stood out to me in this film was that when interviewed, a student, Emma, said " Kids like that it is sneaky and that they are getting away with it." The convenience of this device is what draws young kids in, along with enticing flavors. What they do not realize is that they are poisoning their bodies and ruining their lungs.       As more and more kids get addicted to

Blog Post 6- Mindfulness

      After using the "Calm" app for about a week, I can definitely say that I will continue to use it. I typically struggle with falling and staying asleep because my mind races with thoughts and ideas as I am trying to fall asleep. With the Calm app, I used the guided meditation to help ease my mind as I drifted to sleep. I usually fell asleep within the first few minutes of the meditation! I typically enjoy participating in yoga classes because I always liked the meditation aspect of the class. The meditations on the app made me feel the same degree of relaxation. This app will certainly prevent teacher burnout because after a long day teachers (and everyone!) need to get a restful night sleep. This app put me right to bed. Also, this will benefit students because after a long day of school, activities, sports, and chores, students need to rest as well. This app changed my overall sleep experience and I will definitely be recommending it to my friends and family.      As I

Blog Post 5- How Homelessness Impacts Children

      Prior to exploring this module, I can genuinely say that I had no idea how common child homelessness is in America. My knowledge was limited on this topic because I have personally never known a school aged child or even acquaintance that had to experience this. Also, I have never been exposed to this situation via social media or news networks. The film, The Homestretch, provided a raw new perspective for me concerning the topic of child homelessness.       I could have never comprehended the severity of this critical issue until I viewed this film. It further emphasized the point that teachers truly do not know what a child goes home to or experiences after the 3:00 bell at the end of the day. The unedited, true stories of the children in this film demonstrates that not all children are given a fair shot at life. This became apparent to me during the part of the film where the teacher and Roque, a homeless student, were discussing his future college plans. Roque did not have an

Blog Post #4 Mental Health

Why is mental health such a taboo topic? For how common it is, it certainly does not get enough notoriety as ones physical health, and it is just as important. 1 in 5 adults experience mental illness each year (NAMI).Mental health plays a huge role in our relationships with ourselves, and how we interact with others. Giving our mental health the attention and awareness that it deserves is crucial to maintaining a balanced lifestyle.       When looking at childhood development, learning how to cope with different situations is key to future success, Many children struggle with mental health issues and unfortunately, teachers are not trained to provide the support that children need. This is why it is important for teachers to maximize their resources when they notice a child is struggling. Resources within schools are also immensely important when it comes to providing mental health support. Oftentimes there is not enough funding within districts to provide students the appropriate reso