Blog Post 5- How Homelessness Impacts Children

      Prior to exploring this module, I can genuinely say that I had no idea how common child homelessness is in America. My knowledge was limited on this topic because I have personally never known a school aged child or even acquaintance that had to experience this. Also, I have never been exposed to this situation via social media or news networks. The film, The Homestretch, provided a raw new perspective for me concerning the topic of child homelessness. 

     I could have never comprehended the severity of this critical issue until I viewed this film. It further emphasized the point that teachers truly do not know what a child goes home to or experiences after the 3:00 bell at the end of the day. The unedited, true stories of the children in this film demonstrates that not all children are given a fair shot at life. This became apparent to me during the part of the film where the teacher and Roque, a homeless student, were discussing his future college plans. Roque did not have an ID because of immigration issues and disconnect from his parents. This was a necessity for applying for college. As a young student, I recall how easy and swift the college process was for me just a few short years ago. I got an immense amount of support from not only my parents, but my school. I can not even to begin to imagine the amount of stress that Roque was experiencing when trying to figure out how he was going to apply for colleges and programs that will help him pay for the school. This is an extra level of stress that many children do not experience, for most fortunate kids, their main concern is deciding what school they would like to attend, and how to preform well enough on the SAT or ACT to be accepted to that school. While watching the film, you can visibly the stress and uncomfortableness on Roque's face when his teacher asked him how he was going to obtain and ID in a short amount of time. 

     Fortunately, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program provides resources for children who are homeless. This program ensures children the right to a free public education, enrollment in a school despite lacking documents, transportation, among many other benefits. After learning about this program I knew that I wanted to learn more so I found the informational article," Understanding the Mckinney- Vento Homelessness' Assistance Act's Definition of Homelessness." This article outlines this program and provides information to parents or guardians about the programs benefits. "Understanding the definition will ensure that children who may be experiencing homelessness are identified and given the chance to participate in programs that offer developmental and educational supports." (Early Childhood National Centers, 2022)

     Another theme throughout the film and articles is that many children who are homeless live in community housing and frequently jump between homes. Many of the children stated that they did not have basic necessities including undergarments and personal toiletries. This would also directly impact a students stress level even within a school. Children constantly compare themselves to their peers. For the children who lack basic necessities and care, this can cause increasing feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Kids love to compare the latest styles and trends, which leaves those who are less fortunate feeling left out and overlooked. 

     While watching, I saw how uncomfortable the students looked throughout the video. This made me wonder about their mental health. Previously, I have learned about the alarming statistics of students with mental health issues within schools. I could only imagine that the statistics for homeless students were much higher. I was not surprised when I learned that "Homeless students reported significantly higher rates of depression than housed students (45% vs. 27%). and Depression can lead to harmful behaviors such as alcohol and substance abuse...homeless students reporting depression were more than twice as likely to binge drink as housed students reporting depression (41% vs. 19%)." ( National Clearinghouse on Homeless Youth and Families, 2022) These alarming statistically prove that students who experience homelessness are faced with more challenges when concerning mental health. Another thing to remember is that the only resource that many of these children have are within the school. If the school is lacking these essential resources, many of these children's issues will go untreated and unresolved.

     Why are children homeless? I frequently asked myself this question while watching the film and reading the articles. I could not comprehend at first that some children were actually left to fend for themselves without parental supervision. Some demographics found in the article "Homeless Students in Public Schools Across America" really shocked me. Two of the most shocking to me were that Approximately 18% of homeless students were students with disabilities, and that 16% were in the process of learning English. As for someone who is related to a person with special needs, it blew my mind that there was even a statistic for this category. Students with special needs frequently need care and assistance in and out of school. It is concerning that 18% of students with disabilities only receive this necessary care only during school hours. The second statistic I had listed also correlated with what I had noticed in the film. Many of the students portrayed came from non-white back rounds. (16% were in the process of learning English) This statistic made me think back to a few weeks ago when we were discussing racism within schools and that typically non white students have a harder time "fitting in" or may be more susceptible to bullying which also plays a role in their overall mental health. 

     A great children's book that can help explain homelessness to young kids is "How to Steal a Dog" by Barbara O'Connor (2007).  This book explains how the main character, (Georgina) life changed drastically when her father left her family which caused her mother to get evicted. Georgina and her family lived out of her mother's old car and she went to school with dirty clothes. One day, Georgina notices a sign for a $500 reward to find a lost dog. Georgina makes it her mission to find this dog in exchange for the money to help her family. This story explains the unfortunate reality that many children across America face on a daily basis. Many children resort to working odd jobs or in Georgina's case, stealing a dog, in order to help support her family. In my opinion, it a great book for all school aged children, homeless or not, because many times if there is a student in dirty clothes or is a little more quiet than the rest, it is not okay to make fun of them because we truly do not know their situation. Also, this book could help homeless students feel seen and represented. 

     The song "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran is a great song for older kids to listen to concerning homelessness. Many times, the lyrics of popular songs like this get overlooked due to the surrounding music. Personally, I have heard this song before and never thought twice to listen to the true meaning. After I read the lyrics and listened to the song, the true meaning became apparent. Ed describes someone who is homeless who is after a girl who is not, "Stuck in her daydream." Some things described in the song is apparent that the person he was talking about is homeless. He talks about dirty and ripped clothes, while struggling to stay afloat, and being "under the upper hand." Many times people who are fortunate enough to go home at the end of the day may not realize how lucky they are. That is why Ed describes it as a 'Daydream". Lastly, the song quotes "Call girl, No Phone." This line stuck out to me the most because in middle and high school, phones are the prime way of communication amongst teens. I can understand how the person in the song wants to make an effort to call the girl, but simply cant afford a phone. 

     In conclusion, homelessness is a huge problem in America that many times gets overlooked. Through books, movies, and songs is where students who experience this tragedy will feel represented in schools and society. It  is important for teachers to look for the signs that a student may be struggling, and then to step up and be their advocate to provide them with the help and resources that they need to help student's feel comfortable within schools.


Cai, J. (2020, July 27). Homeless Students in Public Schools Across America: Down but Not Out (Links to an external site.). National School Boards Association.

De Mare, A., Kelly, K., & Taber, K. (Producers), & De Mare, A., & Kelly, K. (Directors). (2014). The homestretch [Streaming video]. United States: Bullfrog Films.

Ed Sheeran - the A Team [Official Music Video] - YouTube. 

Mc-Kinney Vento Homeless Education. (2021). New York State Education Department.

O'Connor, Barbara. How to Steal a Dog: A Novel. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007. 

Understanding the CARES Act: Supplemental Guidance for ... 




  1. Hi Diana,

    After reading your blog I saw a lot of great points. I also was very unaware of how common child homelessness is in America. It was very heartbreaking to see the lifestyles of these students. I really like your theme and the attention you bring to how children who are homeless live in community housing and are frequently jumping homes. Children do not have the basic necessities like undergarment and personal toiletries. To add to your point, I stated in my blog how it is important for teachers to be aware of the characteristics homeless students may have, without being aware of these characteristics nothing will be done to prevent poverty/homelessness. The children's book you chose was definitely a great example of what homeless children go through everyday. While trying to receive an education students are also doing anything they can do help their family with money troubles. After doing some research, it was brought to my attention all the different songs and books that relate to homelessness. We need to prevent homelessness as much as we can. Great post!

  2. Hi Diana,
    I really enjoyed reading through your post about homelessness and its impacts on children. You made some great points throughout your post! Like you mentioned I never noticed how common this issue was in students in America today since I never knew anyone struggling with this in their life, or maybe I just never realized since I was unaware of how common it really is. I liked the example you mentioned about Roque obtaining an ID, and how you could visibly see the stress in his face when he was asked about it, and this was just to apply to colleges. Obtaining an ID was a stressful task for me but that was only because I had to go to the DMV not because I faced the serious problems Roque did. Like you said this is a type of stress that a child at this age should not have to experience when applying to college. This should be a fun and exciting time for them since they are starting a new chapter in their lives. Another thing you mentioned was the children’s mental health. I believe this is a very important thing that should be talked about because these students who are homeless are experiencing things that not many people understand. It is important that they have someone to talk to, and feel comfortable being able to talk to their teachers, school counselors, and other school staff. Children can not get a proper education if they are not mentally okay.


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