Vlog Post 10- The Most Critical Issue

      Hello! In conclusion of this course, the module that I have chosen that I believe is the most critical for me as an educator is Social Media & Technology. The reason I chose this specific topic is because we have all experienced the importance of technology as we have lived through the pandemic. Technology became the only thing that remained constant in the lives of many in the seemingly unstable period of time. For the next generation of students, technology will remain as prevalent in their classroom experiences, as well as their lives outside of school. Technology places no limits on creativity, and classroom engagement. As a teacher, the use of different games and themes can be customized to each specific class based on their interests- it is exciting for students to see their favorite character incorporated into the lesson. Previously, every student received the same textbook and was expected to learn. The implementation of technology within the school setting will not only excite and engage students in their academic careers, but also will prepare them on how to utilize technology efficiently which will aid them in developing skills they will need in their future careers. 

     As a future educator, I will make it my duty to show students the healthy balance between the digital and real world by teaching them to recognize when it is time to take a break. Some of the signs when it is time to unplug is if and when you feel overwhelmed, have increased anxiety, or are dealing with a friend conflict. Completing a puzzle, going on a walk, and listening to music are all healthy ways to disconnect! 

   It was really engaging for me as a student to reply to my fellow peers blog posts because it shows the beauty in learning. All of us read the same articles, but all had different contributions to make to each weeks content. Thus further emphasizes the belief that all children retain and interpret information differently. For me, I enjoyed reading when my classmates had similar views as me in regards to a specific topic. Additionally, I appreciated reading their contributions on material that I may not have picked up on in my own study. In my video attached below, I discuss the importance of technology along with some of my personal views. Thank you!



  1. Hi Diana,
    I agree that technology has become a useful tool considering when Covid did hit it opened many doors for how we as teachers run our classrooms and schools. You make a valid point that technology does help with better communication with parents. My mom had to do the same thing by sending a note to the teacher stating that I was going home with so and so or that I was getting picked up early for a doctor's appointment and if you were like me a forgetful student there was no way that note was getting to my teacher right when I walk in (most likely when it was snack time). I think technology allows for our students to be creative with the things that technology allows us to do rather than using the traditional pen and paper, which is nothing wrong, but technology allows their work to come alive.

  2. Hi Diana,
    Technology should definitely be incorporated into the classroom especially nowadays. I like how you mentioned that you would teach your future students about balance when it comes to how much time they spend using technology. Although technology offers many benefits when used in a classroom setting, it can also have negative effects for students if they use it too much. They may become too reliant on it or be so consumed by it that they spend less time interacting with others face to face. This will negatively impact their social skills. I also like that you mentioned students should start learning how to use technology properly starting from a young age. Technology is not going anywhere anytime soon and will only continue to advance therefore, students need to be taught about it sooner rather than later. I like how you stated that if parents monitor their children’s technology use more, it can help these younger students especially, develop self-regulation skills. Whenever I go to the airport, I always see these young children hunched over staring at screens playing games or watching videos. The parents will typically also be on some device staring at a screen. It is good in one sense because it keeps the child busy and the parents can get work done but on the other hand, staring at a screen for too long can have negative mental and physical health effects. Children can be given other things to keep them busy such as a coloring book. Overall, I loved the critical issue you picked and you brought up some really good points!


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